Friday 2 May 2008

The Virgin Post

Well, finally decided that a return to blogging should be marked by a new blog. And so here I am, on Blogspot.

I'll miss Xanga. Not the most user-friendly of all systems (indeed, this blog layout looks very promising), but heh I spent 4 years on that site, and I'm going to miss it a little bit. The blue background and polka dots on this layout seem strange, but it seemed to be the only one with a decent colour scheme (no offence, but are the layout designers in Blogspot colourblind joy-haters? Every other one looks so bland and off.)

I'm sorry about the lame tentative blog title. Sanctuary of the Weird 2.0. Bah. Like some programmer's fancy codename. Also feel as if its false advertising: lookie here, brand new improved blog! Second edition! Funnier jokes! Handsomer pictures! No more sad attempts at poetry! No more Minesweeper fan fiction, Lord of the Rings slash, or Harry Potter parody!!

Sorry to disappoint..of course, it is just the same old blog, same old nonsense, written by the same old me, except with possibly more British accent due to the year in Reading.

So will think of a snazzier blog title one day. What can i say, I like the name Sanctuary of the Weird. It suits me and this blog. No desire to turn it into, say, Archives of the Arcane, or TeggIe's WoNDeRfuL LifE, or anything like that soon.

But for now, not in a very creative mood: indeed my mind is forced to devote its workings to remember as many Criminology studies and Company Law statutes as it humanly can. Exams for those in less than a week, and the amount of knowledge in my head is sadly lower than a midget at a limbo contest.

(Yes, the return of the bizarre analogies! Don't say you weren't warned.)

So pray for me that my exams will be passed and I don't go mad from the stress. Will return to regular updating hopefully by the 12th, the last day of the exam, and a date of Freedom, glorious freedom.


Vicky Pang Weiqi said... 1st time visiting your new blog. I'm no longer blogging on xanga too. I'm now using blogspot.

Éruadan Ïndïlwèn said...

Welcome to the Blogger bandwagon! Xanga totally messed my day so I moved. I'm sure you feel the same way too. LOL I'm sure you will soon feel at home using Blogger rather than Xanga. XD

Bronchitkat said...

All the best with yr exams. May you, & your examiners, be amazed by what you remember - correctly!

h0cmun said...

w00t ! welcome to blogspot world. :)

freedom is near!