Saturday 18 October 2008


Haven’t done this in a while, so it feels a little odd, coming back to the blog.

Why did I go on hiatus? Several reasons: firstly, I think the blogging was becoming too much of a routine, it was becoming for me more of an obligation than something I did for fun and to express myself. Second, a bad case of writer’s block: the words didn’t seem to come, and I tired of telling the stories of my life in the same way every week. And considering that same way was ‘in a style completely nonsensical and devoid of sense whatsoever’, I think I just needed a sabbathical, the creative genes were drying up.

Also, felt the need to withdraw myself from the world, keep a low profile for a while. Part of the weakness of a blog is that sometimes you tend to reveal too much of yourself to the world, something which I am not always fond of. I think people who know me well will realise this: while I adore my friends and try to be open as much as possible, there are parts of me I prefer to keep hidden, sides of my soul I prefer to keep guarded. Some people long for a friend who they can tell everything to and who knows them inside out; this is well and good, but for me that is the ultimate nightmare.

While I do enjoy social gatherings and stuff, deep down I am quite a private person, and I felt that previous entries in the old Sanctuary were giving people impressions about me that I was not too happy of. And so this contributed to my vanishing.

So why do I come back to it now? Maybe I miss it. The creative surge has come back, in part thanks to Nanowrimo coming up. These past few days, the urge to express myself has been overwhelming; perhaps that is why I feel the call back to the old Sanctuary.

So, an update of most that has happened over the past few months:

-Back from the UK, for good. Feel good to be home, yet I miss Reading and London. Especially since Halloween is coming up, a celebration that was celebrated in huge scale over there: I want to dress up in a stupid costume and make a fool of myself damnit. I also miss several people, the abundance of musicals, and of all things, the Oracle shopping mall.

-Doing my certificate of Legal Practice, which is headachey and no fun at all. Lecturers are a fatter, balder Indian version of Steve Carell and a droning old man in a turban whose lessons have subtle pro-euthanasia messages (eg. So BORING you want to just be shot and put out of your misery.) Classes are 5 hours on weekends, thus destroying my social and religious life. Am wishing I became a prawn farmer or a wandering hobo instead.

-On the bright side, doing freelance writing for The Star, doing book and theatre reviews, which I really enjoy. Nothing better that getting paid for doing what you love. Granted, had to sit through a truly atrocious play, and a totally dry book, but overall, experience has been really cool.

-Have learned that I apparently have a good bass voice, which surprised me as I thought the only thing my voice was good for was for scaring away wild beasts and bringing forth rain.

-Weight has ballooned incredibly since time in the UK. I can no longer describe myself as ‘skinny’, or ‘scrawny’. My so-called friends, wonderful as they are, have all taken to calling me ‘çhubby’ and ‘round-faced’, and my own dear father has taken to calling me ‘Fatboy’. Yet I continue being a lazy slacker and eating all the most wonderful foods possible.

-Have met quite a lot of new people recently, from church activities, camps, excursions and so on; and a lot of old people have left, from my juniors all going to Reading, and a good friend moving to Australia; to a town called Townsville, hopefully not to don a short dress and a hair-ribbon and go fight crime.

-Have read Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book. Not his best work, (nothing beats Sandman or American Gods) but pretty awesome. Dark and well-imagined, I think it would have been my favorite book had I first read it when I was 9 or 10.

-In the past month, attended a friend’s birthday which involved much pool-pushing and obscene photographs, was morbidly fascinated by ladyboys and red-light districts in Bangkok, enjoyed Malaccan durian cendol despite being a 500W figurative lamppost, discovered I really suck at Counterstrike, organised a potluck dinner, attended a funeral, and many other things, some of which deserved entries of their own, but am too lazy to recall everything. These few months have been the busiest of my life. Going jungle trekking after this, hope I survive.

Heh, will update about my life more the next time I blog. Till then, ciao.

1 comment:

Sue said...

totally glad ure back..leave out all the private bits for all i care but just write the usual nonsensical crap pls? XD it gets me going sometimes. =)

havent heard from u in awhile too, sigh.